Taichi qigong trainings
for companies

Taichi and qigong training in the office allows people to be flexible. At the workplace, it’s important to be concentrated and relaxed at the same time, be productive but not to get too tired, stay focused and switch attention quickly, remain mindful but not to overspend. Taichi/qigong training serves all of those purposes.
Taichi qigong trainings
for companies
Taichi and qigong training in the office allows people to be flexible. At the workplace, it’s important to be concentrated and relaxed at the same time, be productive but not to get too tired, stay focused and switch attention quickly, remain mindful but not to overspend. Taichi/qigong training serves all of those purposes.

The roots of Taichi

Taichi, which is a martial art, and qigong, which is a system of health beneficial exercises, has its long ancient history from the XIV century. They are both known for positively affecting the state of the human mind and physical condition through learning dynamic relaxation and performing exercises of various complicity. Practicing taichi and qigong weekly or daily for generations helps people stay productive, calm and healthy.

*And no, sorry, we are not going to work with “energy” and let it “flow” :) At least not directly. But you will definitely feel the difference in your whole state after the practice.

What is Taichi and why

What is Taichi
Tai chi (Taiji) is an internal Chinese martial art practiced for defense training, health benefits and meditation. The term Tai chi refers to a philosophy of the forces of yin and yang, related to the moves. Qigong is a health beneficial practice, similar to Tai Chi and often practiced together.
Everyone can practice Tai Chi independent of age and lifestyle. Anyone who wishes to improve their physical and mental health, as well as being fitter and to feel better.
Taichi helps to relax and concentrate
Taichi/qigong helps maintain a mindfulness condition which allows people to better cope with stress and increase concentration. Also, practitioners learn how to keep themselves relaxed and concentrated at the same time, and bring themselves back to this condition when needed. At the same time, different and complex movements make learners increase their attention span.
It helps to promote cooperation
Doing some form of movement together with others (like working a tai chi form in a group), re-establishes rhythms which are important for treating disruptive behaviors in ourselves. This encourages us as adults to develop a biology that can sync with the biology of others around us.
In other words, it helps promote cooperation.
Anyone can start and practice regardless of age, fitness, weight, gender etc. So, there are no limitations. Also, you need no special equipment, just comfortable clothes and shoes and some space outside, in a hall or around your desk.
Anyone can start and practice regardless of age, fitness, weight, gender etc. So, there are no limitations. Also, you need no special equipment, just comfortable clothes and shoes and some space outside, in a hall or around your desk.

Proven by scientists

The necessity of combining mind and body work to improve overall performance has already been proven by many scientists. And dynamic meditation is one of the most effective ways to work with that. Also, taichi and qigong and time-proven practices help people be calm, attentive and productive in their work and everyday life.
His research has demonstrated how effective mind-body treatment approaches are. He specifically mentions the benefits from modalities including neurofeedback, meditation, yoga, mindfulness, and sensory integration methods such as dance and qigong taichi movement. “We get to know ourselves because other people know us. When nobody knows us, we don’t know ourselves” says Dr van der Kolk. Practicing tai chi with others can achieve just that.
Dr. Bessel van der Kolk
New York Times bestselling author of The Body Keeps the Score, specialises in recovery from stress through understanding the neuroscience of traumatic stress
“Even 13 min per day “focus and refocus” meditation significantly improves focus at other times. The key: it’s not about focus; it’s about refocus. This means that every time your mind drifts is an opportunity to refocus and to build up the circuits for focusing.”
Andrew Huberman
PhD in Neuroscience, Stanford, the author of Hubermanlab Podcast
What you need to start

If you want your colleague to start with taichi and qigong at your company, don’t hesitate to book our trial training for 200 Euro only or chose a plan.

We recommend booking a trial meeting to get acquainted with the practice and feel all the benefits. It includes a 2-week training 2 meetings per week for better understanding and stable results.

Choose Your Plan

The trainings last for 40-60 minutes. It’s better to organize them in the morning or in the evening. The training is given in English. It’s better to have training outside, but if there’s no such possibility, it can happen at the working place, no special equipment required.
1 month abonement
1-2 times a week
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3 months abonement
1-2 times a week
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6 months abonement
1-2 times a week
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Your trainer
Vera Suchkova
Vera Suchkova, an experienced Taichi and Qigong instructor with almost 20 years of personal training and more than 10 years of teaching experience.
I have my background in education psychology and along with Taichi/Qigong practice I work as an existential therapist.
Since 2004 I have been studying and practicing different styles of wushu such as Taichi 24 Forms Yang Style, Bagua, Taichi Pair work. Also I have been teaching various qigong Sets - Yin Yang 1 and 2, Dao Ying, Dao Ying for Conjunctions and for Heart, Qigong While Walking (Careless Walking) etc. After moving to the Netherlands I started my wushu group in Bos over Holland in 2019.
I have been doing this for so many years, because it definitely helps me and my students keep up generally, manage our work more effectively and be more prepared to face life difficulties while remaining calm, focused and grounded.
Feel free to contact me, if you have any questions.
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Amsterdam-Utrecht, Netherlands
KVK 77795199
Address: The Netherlands, Utrecht region, Breukelen