Vera Suchkova, an experienced Taichi and Qigong instructor with almost 20 years of personal training and more than 10 years of teaching experience.
I have my background in education psychology and along with Taichi/Qigong practice I work as an existential therapist.
Since 2004 I have been studying and practicing different styles of wushu such as Taichi 24 Forms Yang Style, Bagua, Taichi Pair work. Also I have been teaching various qigong Sets - Yin Yang 1 and 2, Dao Ying, Dao Ying for Conjunctions and for Heart, Qigong While Walking (Careless Walking) etc. After moving to the Netherlands I started my wushu group in Bos over Holland in 2019.
I have been doing this for so many years, because it definitely helps me and my students keep up generally, manage our work more effectively and be more prepared to face life difficulties while remaining calm, focused and grounded.
Feel free to contact me, if you have any questions.